Thursday, July 15, 2010

XSLT output and using  

I did it again. I wrote some cool little XSLT that spit out an HTML document only to find out that all of my   turn into ? or Ă. Of course I should realize that the computer is only doing exactly what I told it to do.  Here's what I told it:

<!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [<!ENTITY nbsp "&#160;">]>

And the computer turned that into Ă exactly as I told it to or in the case of IE6, a ?. Here's a simple fix for it:

<!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [<!ENTITY nbsp "<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&amp;nbsp;</xsl:text>">]>

It will turn all in your XSLT into &nbsp; which will in turn display correctly on your browser.

Dummy coder.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Changing JRE Version for IE

I had a devil of a time finding out how to change the JRE that an applet runs under in IE.  There were registry tweaks and file copies galore but in the end it was pretty painless.

I'm running 1.6.0_20 so your results may vary.

I needed to run an older JRE as an applet in IE.  I had 1.4.2_17, 1.5.0_15 and 1.6.0_20 installed.  In order to change to 1.4 and 1.5 I opened up the Java control panel applet and went to the Java tab.  Under the Java Runtime Environment Settings I selected the View button and unchecked the JREs under the User tab that I didn't want to use.  I restarted IE and it worked like a charm.

Hope it works for you too.

Friday, May 14, 2010

XML Output and Your Browser

Whenever I am developing or consuming a web service I like to bring up it's WSDL in my browser.  Being in a corporate environment, IE tends to be for others and is the default browser for our company.  IE generally displays XML in a user friendly way which I like.

I love the Chrome browser.  I use it every chance I can.  I use it at our company.  I use it to view WSD...L...wait a minute!  Where did my WSDL go?  Two hours of documentation later I try it in IE and voila it's back. Needless to say Chrome does not show your XML in the same user friendly way that IE does.  Crap!  Dummy coder, "view source" is your friend.